Spirit Airlines Stolen Luggage

Spirit Airlines faces backlash over a surge in lost and stolen bag complaints, as frustrated flyers take to social media to protest luggage not placed on return flights or possessions looted from bags never delivered.

While minor baggage mix-ups are common across all airlines from time to time, the volume of missing luggage reports specific to Spirit far exceeds the airline’s peers. Many of these wayward suitcases were found empty or ransacked when located, indicating they were likely pilfered rather than misrouted. 

The barrage of negative passenger stories online has seriously undermined Spirit’s reputation for carrying flyers’ possessions to their intended destinations. With valuables essentially unprotected in their hold, Spirit is learning that cutting fares to the bone does little good if travelers’ most important items do not arrive safely with them as planned.

The scale of the problem

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Spirit Airlines is facing criticism on social media from a wave of customers whose bags went missing on flights. An alarming number of suitcases were mishandled, misplaced or had items pilfered, suggesting lax security and oversight. Comparatively high rates of undelivered or looted luggage point to systemic issues, as flyers found possessions unprotected while entrusted to the airline’s care.

 A lot of people posted online that Spirit lost their bags and never sent them back. Others said personal belongings and expensive things they packed were taken from their bags after the airline lost them. The large number of complaints shows this is a major problem that many Spirit passengers have faced.

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Customer experiences

Spirit Airlines customers had some bad experiences with their luggage. Many people had their bags disappear after flying with Spirit. The airline could not find or return them at all. Other folks opened their suitcases later and saw things were stolen. Expensive items and important papers they packed were gone. 

Some travelers even found valuables and medicine meant for their trip taken out of their bags. It must have been upsetting to lose things they needed or have personal belongings robbed. A few people also mentioned clothes, gifts, and sentimental belongings were among the items taken. Everyone just wants their luggage to arrive safely with all their stuff inside when they travel. But for Spirit passengers, that did not always happen.

Spirit Airlines response

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Spirit Airlines said they would fix the problem. They want people to know they are working on it. The airline decided to hire more workers to help with bags. More helpers should mean less lost luggage. Spirit also said they are looking into each report of missing or stolen items. They want to find out what went wrong. 

The goal is to make sure people get their suitcases back safely and with all their belongings still inside. Although Spirit said they will do better, only time will tell if the changes work. Customers will have to see if Spirit improves or if bags keep disappearing and getting robbed before trusting them again.

Impact on reputation

The rising number of incidents involving stolen luggage from Spirit Airlines has significantly damaged its reputation among customers. Trust in the airline has eroded as travelers increasingly believe their bags are at risk of being plundered during flights. Negative reviews on social media and travel websites warn others about the growing baggage theft issue. 

If not addressed properly, this loss of trust and confidence in Spirit’s ability to securely transport baggage could lead to long-term reputational damage. Fewer passengers will choose to fly with a carrier known to have questionable bag handling practices and security lapses. Rebuilding a positive reputation after such a blow will be an uphill battle for the airline.

Alternatives for travelers

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  • Fly with a different carrier that has fewer reported problems with baggage handling and security.
  • Purchase travel insurance that covers lost or stolen baggage to mitigate potential losses.
  • Gate check carry-on bags rather than checking them to keep valuable items with you.
  • Label bags inside and out with name, phone number and destination to increase chances of identification if lost.
  • Consider self-transporting checked bags to/from the airport to avoid third-party contractors.
  • Pack essentials in a small personal item like a purse or backpack that can stay with you in the cabin.
  • Use TSA-approved locks and tracking devices inside bags to deter thieves and aid in recovery.
  • Document bag contents carefully before travel in case filing an insurance claim or report is needed.
  • Share experiences on social media to warn others flying Spirit about the risk of bag theft issues.

Rebuilding trust over time

Regaining customer trust will take Spirit Airlines considerable time and effort. As more bag theft incidents occur and complaints continue piling up, nervous travelers will remain hesitant to check luggage with the airline for the foreseeable future. Spirit must demonstrate its commitment to solving this problem through tangible security improvements, transparent communication, and fair compensation for stolen goods. 

Gradually, if baggage protections are seen to be put into place and the theft reports start declining consistently, confidence may begin to slowly rebuild over several months or years. Customer satisfaction surveys will need to reflect positive trends as well for Spirit to restore its damaged reputation regarding baggage handling.

Lessons for other airlines

  • Strictly monitor baggage handling contractors and airport employees to ensure proper screening and oversight of luggage at all points of transfer.
  • Implement security measures like CCTV cameras in baggage areas and periodic audits to deter theft and hold them accountable if issues do arise.
  • Communicate policies for filing lost or stolen bag claims, and handle complaints swiftly with transparency to maintain customer trust.
  • Consider offering self-tagging options and tracking technology partnerships to give passengers more visibility and control of checked bags.
  • Conduct frequent reviews of protocols to address vulnerabilities before they result in widespread reputational damage from consumer reports of rampant theft issues.
  • Make security and satisfaction top priorities, not just cost-cutting, as incidents can severely erode brand loyalty and future ticket sales.


What airline is facing backlash over stolen and lost luggage?

Spirit Airlines

Where is Spirit Airlines based?


What social media platforms have customers used to complain?

Twitter, Facebook

What have some customers reportedly found when their missing bags were eventually located?

Suitcases that were opened and items stolen from inside.

How has this wave of luggage issues affected Spirit Airlines’ reputation?

It has severely damaged Spirit’s reputation among customers who now see choosing the lowest fare does not guarantee a problem-free travel experience if their bags do not safely reach their destination.


The ongoing problems Spirit Airlines is facing with lost, stolen, and looted luggage could have long-lasting consequences for the airline. Customers who have had valuables taken from their bags or important items never returned may be hesitant to fly with Spirit again even if they offer rock-bottom fares. Trust is difficult to earn back once lost, and all the negative social media coverage surrounding this issue will remain publicly available. 

While Spirit has pledged to improve its baggage handling procedures, it remains to be seen if customers will believe the changes are enough to guarantee their belongings are securely transported. 

Potential travelers may opt for slightly higher prices from competitors to avoid the risk of problems with their baggage that have become all too common for Spirit passengers. Rebuilding Spirit’s damaged reputation in the face of so many horror stories could take considerable time and effort.

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