Air Canada Checked Baggage fee

Air Canada charges checked baggage fees that depend on the traveler’s fare class and route. For economy class tickets on international flights to/from Canada and the continental U.S., the first checked bag is CAD 30 while the second is CAD 40.

The fees for flights within Canada and to/from the U.S. are lower at $25 CAD for the first bag and CAD 35 for the second. Passengers traveling in premium economy or business class get one free checked bag allowance, while first-class travelers receive two free bags. 

Additional bags or overweight bags over 50 pounds are subject to extra fees. The baggage fees provide Air Canada with additional revenue but are disliked by some frequent flyers who prefer the days when checked bags are included with most airfares.

International Flight Fee Structure

For international flights to and from Canada and the continental United States, Air Canada has established different checked baggage fees than for domestic flights. On international itineraries, the fee for the first checked bag is $30 CAD, while the charge increases to $40 CAD for the second bag. 

These fees apply to all economy-class tickets on international routes. however, passengers traveling in premium cabins like business class or first class are afforded some benefits like one or two free checked bags respectively. While the international fees are higher than domestic, Air Canada is consistent with the baggage policies of other major international carriers.

Read More: Size of Checked Baggage Spirit

Domestic Canada/US Flight Fee Structure

The checked baggage fees for domestic flights within Canada and on routes to/from the United States are lower than Air Canada’s international fees. For domestic itineraries, travelers flying in economy class will be charged $25 CAD for their first checked bag, a slightly lesser amount than the $30 fee internationally. 

The cost does increase a bit for the second checked bag, but remains lower at $35 CAD rather than $40 internationally. Unlike international long-haul flights, no free bags are included with premium cabins on shorter North American routes. However, the reduced fees make checking bags more affordable for multi-city trips within Air Canada’s domestic network.

Premium Cabin Allowances

Air Canada offers more favorable checked baggage allowances for passengers traveling in premium cabins compared to regular economy fares. Both business class and premium economy seats on international flights include one free checked bag. This provides some benefit to higher-paying passengers by waiving the $30 fee for the first bag.

Meanwhile, travelers in ultra-premium first class receive an even better allowance of two free checked bags up to 50 pounds each. This double baggage allowance acknowledges the high prices typically paid for first class tickets. The free checked luggage complimentary for premium passengers helps distinguish the value of higher cabin product offerings.

Additional Fees

In addition to fees for standard checked bags, Air Canada also charges extra for bags beyond certain weight restrictions. Any luggage over 50 pounds is considered overweight and subject to an extra fee. While the airline allows bags up to 70 pounds total, bags between 50-70 pounds cost an additional $75 CAD each way.

This fee helps Air Canada recoup the extra costs associated with handling and loading very heavy bags onto aircraft. Excess baggage beyond 70 pounds is transported on a space-available basis and costs up to $150 per direction. Unplanned overweight bags can therefore significantly increase travelers’ total baggage expenses.

Passenger Displeasure

Many Air Canada passengers are displeased with the airline’s checked baggage fee structure. Some travelers feel the separate fees, which were not charged in the past, unnecessarily increase the cost of air travel. In previous decades, most airfares included one or two free checked bags as part of the ticket price. 

Passengers now resent paying extra just to check normal luggage that was complimentary in earlier times. Long-time flyers especially dislike the changing policy and fee amounts between domestic and international trips. The mandatory baggage charges are a pain point for some customers and damaged customer goodwill towards Air Canada.

Impact on Trip Costs

  • Fees of $25-30 per bag each way can add up quickly on multi-leg trips
  • Families with young children need to check multiple bags, increasing fees
  • Fees are especially burdensome for international vacations requiring more luggage
  • Fees are a hidden cost that must be budgeted in addition to airfare prices
  • Fees disproportionately affect large families and groups traveling together
  • Travelers must consider baggage fees when comparing different airline routes
  • Fees make travelling lighter more expensive than carrying multiple bags
  • Overweight baggage charges are a surprise that spikes unexpected costs
  • Total baggage fees can exceed $100+ per person on certain itineraries
  • Fees eat into the budget for other expenses like activities and food

Carry-On Encouragement

By implementing checked baggage fees, Air Canada has incentivized more passengers to carry their belongings on board rather than check bags. The added expenses of checking even a single bag make travelers consider packing lightly enough to avoid fees. As a result, carry-on luggage is becoming more common as an affordable alternative.

Many flyers now carefully pack their belongings within strict carry-on size limits to maintain fee-free travel. While aimed at generating new revenue, the baggage fees have succeeded in influencing passenger packing behaviors. More carry-on luggage does slow down boarding and disembarking, however.

Revenue Generation for Air Canada

The implementation of checked baggage fees has proven to be an effective revenue generation strategy for Air Canada. By charging amounts typically below $50 per bag, the airline accumulates significant income from the vast passenger volumes traveling both domestically and internationally. Baggage fees are a stable and predictable revenue stream that does not fluctuate with factors like fuel costs.

It is estimated baggage charges net Air Canada over $300 million per year based on bag numbers. This additional revenue is valuable for the flag carrier’s financials as air travel became more affordable with low-cost competition. The fees help offset other rising expenses while still maintaining competitive ticket prices.


How much is the fee for the first checked bag on international flights from Canada?

CAD 30

What is the fee for a second checked bag on domestic flights within Canada?

CAD 35

How many free checked bags do first-class passengers receive?

Are there additional fees for overweight bags?

Yes, bags over 50 pounds are subject to extra fees.

What type of passengers get one free checked bag allowance?

Passengers traveling in premium economy or business class.


While Air Canada’s baggage fees generate additional revenue for the airline, they are an added expense that many travelers dislike. The fees can significantly increase the cost of a trip, especially for families who need to check multiple bags. The tiered fee structure also means travelers must carefully select their fare class to avoid paying more.

For budget-conscious customers, the fees may encourage carrying on more luggage instead of checking bags, which isn’t always practical. However, from Air Canada’s perspective, baggage fees have helped control costs as air transportation has become more competitive with low-cost carriers.

Premium cabin passengers also still receive some baggage allowance inclusions with their higher fares. Overall, checked baggage fees have been a common practice adopted across the airline industry globally. While improving airlines’ financials, they do present an incremental cost that customers must now budget for with every trip involving checked luggage.

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